Graduation!! 2 Degrees Hotter!
Sooner Born, Sooner Bred, and when I die I'll be sooner Dead! OKLAHOMA O-K-U!
May 14, 2022
After four really strange years, I graduated with two degrees with academic honors! I officially hold a Bachelor of Fine Arts in Theater (Dramaturgy and Performace) from the Weitzenhoffer School of Drama and a Bachelor of Arts in Psychology from the Dodge Family School of Arts and Sciences.
I am so proud of myself for never giving up, for completing two degrees in four years, for being able to still hold a part-time job, working on productions in and outside of school, taking additional classes, and so much more! It also is worth mentioning that half of this was done during a Pandemic.
Some of my favorite accomplishments from OU are:
Van Heflin Outstanding Senior in the School of Drama 2022
Oscar Brockett Outstanding Dramaturgy Award
Research paper on Therapeutic Theater techniques in improving Social Emotional Skills
Adapting and Directing my own production of Antigone
Being a dramaturg on The Scarlet Letter Opera, directed by Beth Greenburg, and composed by Lori Laitmen
Being cast as Mary Bennet in Miss Bennet: Christmas at Pemberley by Lauren Gunderson, directed by Seth Gorden
Raising Awareness of deafness and disability in theater
Graduating with Academic Distinction
Writing, Directing, Dramaturging Annual Student Playwright Festival
Working on Several Student-led productions
Performing our Senior Showcase in Chicago and New York City
Friends becoming Family and creating art with them
Thank you to all of my professors and staff who invested in me, cared for me, and helped me become the person I am today.